SafeTrac is a real-time digital contact tracing system that can help breake chains of transmission and save lives using technologies such as Anonymous Geolocation and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to track and send data for Contact Tracing while informing its users of who has been in contact with infected individuals.
SafeTrac's Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) based platform provides an intelligent digital contact tracing system capable of determining the level of risks managing, monitoring, and controlling the spread of diseases quickly and securely.
SafeTrac registers contact with other users via BLE to be able to inform themin case of exposure to a disease. If a user has been in contact with anotheruser who has tested positive for the disease, SafeTrac will notify and providethem instructions to protect their health based on current goverment guidelines.
By using BLE Technology, all of this occurs without the need to collect data on theusers' identity or location. When users are notified of a possible risk of infection,they will be informed to follow current government SOPs and to seek health advice.
Our commitment is not only try to keep your employees safe at all times, but above all to keep your employees safe at all times, but above all to keep everyone safe within your workspace by avoiding contagion and spread of the virus in your facility. For a comprehensive occupational Covid-19 safety plan, our SAFETRAC BUSINESS project is offered through an associated clinical centre that is HIPAA compliant and completes the employees' clinical surveillance.